Editing & Mentorship

Alongside my art and teaching practices, I also take on select editing gigs, and am open to working with writers in a mentorship capacity as well (Canadian writers are encouraged to use funding through sources like the Canada Council for the Arts and provincial grants to afford this service).

I am particularly interested in mentoring marginalized writers, especially those who have barriers (economic and otherwise) keeping them from seeking out “traditional” writing instruction. This (mentorship) work is sliding-scale, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you are interested in working with me. I will offer select support pro bono to those who need it most, should I be the right fit for what you need.

For mentorship, I have 6 years of teaching experience that has provided me with experience with sharing my knowledge and encouraging writers to persevere. I was also a mentor in AWP’s Writer-to-Writer program in 2020.

In terms of editing, I am most comfortable working with fiction or poetry (& the various intersections between). I am currently a poetry editor at Contemporary Verse 2, and have previously edited poetry for Arsenal Pulp Press (More Sure by A. Light Zachary). I will soon be editing a novel that is forthcoming from Book*hug.

Interested in possibly working with me? Reach out via Booking.